Our Story

Paper Plane Learning was founded in 2012, but its roots extend back decades before. I have always loved teaching. After graduating college in 2005, I went right into design and animation with the Waterford Institute, a company devoted to teaching children to read through innovative and entertaining software. After working there only a short time, I was asked by a sister company- The Waterford School, to begin a program teaching high school kids graphic design. A year later, I expanded the curriculum to include 3D animation. The program was a roaring success, with a year-long wait list to enroll. I realized then that kids love 3D design with a passion.
I left in 2011 to begin my own 3D and video production company, but the call to teach refused to be silenced. I missed the classroom! I missed the energy and creativity that kids bring. So in 2012, I founded Paper Plane Learning. It was a small after-school program in the beginning, catering only to public school children who wanted to improve their artistic ability. Then, in 2016 I was introduced to the home-school community. I was instantly blown away by this vibrant network of devoted parents, who were passionate about educating their kids their own way.
I jumped in with both feet, offering classes to homeschool families throughout the day. And parents have responded. Our courses and enrollment have grown quickly. This year, we expanded to include writing, robotics, drawing and painting, and graphic design classes. And there are plans for many more to come!
Working in a partnership with parents to teach their children is a trust I hold sacred. I am honored to assist them in the instruction and development of children; To inspire them to do better than they think they can. To challenge them with our lessons, and make each one feel like they are an important part of Paper Planes. And let's not forget...TO HAVE FUN!